Saturday, August 14, 2010

Worldly glasses

For a long time, I have looked at the world with my egoistic glasses on. Hence my world view largely depended on my judgement - of what is right and wrong, of what is appropriate and inappropriate - and my view was largely self centered.

Not very long ago, a shift happened - a shift that made me realize the significance of empathy as a way of life. The shift was very natural and gradual(an overnight one would have been too steep to handle), and slowly the egoistic glasses dissolved. The world became beautiful, and the not-so-nice human race became humane.

It is definitely not necessary that everybody who lives in this planet and bumps into me need to accept my POV or accept my way of living. I do not do that. Everybody has a right to live life their own way, and can be happy doing so unless they unnecessarily mess up other's life and theirs too in the process. Even in that an empathetic outlook helped. Everybody is human, so they are entitled to their flaws and misgivings.

The shift is still in process and I often seem to slip behind the habit of the egoistic glasses. A little bit of awareness helps me to take off those and be the usual, natural empathetic self.